Personal INJURY Law

Hundreds of individuals are injured each year in Vermont.  When the injury is the fault of another, it is of vital importance to have high-quality representation to protect your interests. Our goal is to assure our clients are satisfied that they have received the best possible outcome from these cases, enabling them to move on productively with their lives.

Read more about our Personal Injury Practice>>


Criminal dEFENSE

Our firm has been dedicated for over three decades to the service of people charged with crimes in Vermont’s state and federal courts.  We understand not only the complex legal issues that arise in this context, but the emotional response our clients feel being charged with a crime.  Our mission is to support and defend our clients in the most effective way possible.

Read more about our Criminal Defense Practice>>


Family Law

With 60 years of combined experience in the practice of family law in Vermont, our attorneys bring a unique skill set to divorce, post-divorce, and parentage cases.  We know the absolute key to effective representation is taking sufficient time to understand which issues are important to our client, prioritizing those issues, developing the facts to support our client's position, and then putting together an effective plan to achieve our client's goal

Read more about our Family Law Practice>>